- [] Are you looking to attract tourists around the world and to be a competitor in a competing world, competing, moving to the change and development that the world is pursuing, where there is no doubt and no injustice to anyone, where indeed all the data tended to modify and change the concept of transportation in Egypt and the government sought to introduce advanced data Modern, modern and suitable for exporting passengers in the workplace and touched by the Egyptian citizen from buses transporting passengers, I work with natural gas and others with electricity, with the disease of the electric train, Adly Mansour, the new administrative capital. It always makes us appreciate and respect this distinguished effort, whether under
- the directives and follow-ups of His
- Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the future government, or the efforts of the Engineering Authority of the Public Relations Forces, public companies, and Egyptian publics. The form of a global civilization. I see that Egypt has its history on the tourism project in its project and its project and its project in the project. Tourist places in Cairo throughout the day with a financial value. A specific example of which the tourist sees the landmarks of Cairo on the one hand and goes directly to a number of stations from the tourist attractions on a specific itinerary for this example of the offers presented by The international Egyptian company MCV, this model appears before the tourist wants to see it or a ticket for 24 hours, with which he travels between buses, and this project will have transferred a quality, wonderful income and a civilized image of Egypt with its new republic. The second thing or the second idea that takes us outside the box is what the city of Rome recently presented from the bus project that takes you outside time, that is, takes you back to pre-modern Rome, where the tourist travels by bus between the streets of ancient Rome, and in our present world, what is the story and what is the topic of this bus? Let me tell you the story - [] Exemplary example, this 3D trade in time in time is a 16-minute syndicate. It makes this experience unique. It renders the Invisible Cities, shown in a transparent 4K image, pinned in front of a window in its gallery in Gallery. For its part, a window, a window, this magical window through time to ancient Rome. At least that's what the passengers inside look like. When it rises, passengers see a view. When it was reduced, it was immediately transported 2,000 years in the past to ancient Rome. This is not just a visual experience. VR Bus items are other items to really sell the experience. Besides 4K OLED displays, the bus is also equipped with a 3-axis accelerometer, magnetometer, accelerometer, and surface laser that all come together to capture and display images in practice. The question here is why do we try it in Egypt and its residency in apparition and residency. The big one will soon be a nucleus for revitalizing tourism in beloved Egypt, long live Egypt, long live Egypt

City Tours bus and virtual buses are a qualitative leap in revitalizing tourism in Egypt
- Wrote . Mohamad Ali Hassan
- 03/07/2022
- 760